Are We on the Same Page?

Publication, installation, writing
Are We On the Same Page? is a publication that has two intertwined focuses. This publication documents the process of the graphic design MFA students at VCU creating a collective publication in Fall 2022 and how this process was affected by mistranslations. In documenting this process, this publication reflects on the generative power of mistranslations. 

This publication was distributed at the New York Art Book Fair in Fall 2022 through the publishing initiative Nico Fontana.

Collaborators <3
Hui-Yu Yang, Kai Chu-Chuang, Taehee Whang, Yameng Wang, and Yuan Xin

Publication Launch 
The publication launch is an installation that expands upon the themes of the GDES MFA cohort’s collective publication and intervened in Rafael Domenech's installation at the ICA, The Medium is the Massage which was interested in publishing as a methodology in exhibition making. The installation invites others to join us in this process of mistranslating. Using large-format posters and movable strips of paper, we encouraged readers to shift different elements together — mistranslating the words and images from our publication to create something confusing and surprising.